Locker pickup
The Interlibrary Loan office will continue to offer the low-contact delivery system for both ILL's and UBorrows on the Boca Campus. For UBorrow requests, please choose Locker Pickup - BOCA ONLY as your pickup location when you place the request. For ILL requests, you will need to update your user information on your ILL Account by changing your FAU campus delivery location to Boca Locker Pickup. Otherwise, all ILL and UBorrow requests are held behind the Access Services desk, ready for you to pick up.
boca faculty delivery
Faculty members with an office on the Boca Raton campus may have their Branch Campus Delivery, UBorrow, and Interlibrary Loan requests delivered to their office. Deliveries are made once a day, Monday through Friday, dependent on weather and staffing.
Branch campues
- Jupiter
- When an item is processed by the ILL Office, an automatic Email Notification is sent to let you know that your request has been received. The email will be from lyill@fau.edu and will have a subject line of Requested loan has arrived. Your item will be placed by ILL staff into the intra-campus courier system.
- Campus deliveries occur once a day, Monday through Friday.
- Generally allow 2-3 business days from receiving the Email Notification of your item's arrival for it be available for you to pick up.
- When the Jupiter Library receives your hold, they will email you to let you know
- The email will be from npbill@fau.edu and will have the subject line of Jupiter Interlibrary Loan Request Has Arrived.
- All ILL holds are kept behind the Access Services desk at the Jupiter Library
- To contact the Jupiter Library, you can call them at 561-799-8560 or Email them directly.
- When an item is processed by the ILL Office, an automatic Email Notification is sent to let you know that your request has been received. The email will be from lyill@fau.edu and will have a subject line of Requested loan has arrived. Your item will be placed by ILL staff into the intra-campus courier system.
- Harbor Branch
- When an item is processed by the ILL Office, an automatic Email Notification is sent to let you know that your request has been received. The email will be from lyill@fau.edu and will have a subject line of Requested loan has arrived. Your ILL hold will then be checked out to your ILL Account by ILL staff. Your ILL hold will then be shipped to the HBOI Library for you to pick it up.
- Generally allow at least 2-3 business days from receiving the Email Notification of your item's arrival for it be available for you to pick up.
- When the HBOI Library receives your hold, they will email you to let you know.
- All ILL holds are kept on the Circulation desk at the Harbor Branch Library.
- You can pick up your ILL holds with authorized Owl Card access.
- When an item is processed by the ILL Office, an automatic Email Notification is sent to let you know that your request has been received. The email will be from lyill@fau.edu and will have a subject line of Requested loan has arrived. Your ILL hold will then be checked out to your ILL Account by ILL staff. Your ILL hold will then be shipped to the HBOI Library for you to pick it up.
- Davie - Tower - Sea Tech
Davie Students and Sea Tech Students must pickup their holds from the Boca Campus Library.
- Students who work for Faculty members may be able to have items delivered with the preapproval of the Faculty member and the Head of ILL, with delivery to the Faculty member's office.
- Tower Students may also create and use an FAU ILL Account, if they choose Boca or Jupiter Campus as their pick-up location.
- For example, if there was an FAU book at the Jupiter Campus you wanted, you could put in a Branch Campus Delivery request for it. It would then be pulled and sent to the Boca Campus, where you would have to come to pick it up.
- Tower Students who work for Faculty members may be able to have items delivered with the preapproval of the Faculty member and the Head of ILL, with delivery to the Faculty member's office.
- When an item is processed by the ILL Office, an automatic Email Notification is sent to let you know that your request has been received.
- The email will be from lyill@fau.edu and will have a subject line of Requested loan has arrived.
- You may receive a phone call to confirm that your office address information is still correct.
- Your ILL hold will then be checked out to your ILL Account by staff.
- Your item will be placed by ILL staff into campus mail and shipped directly to your office.
- Generally allow 2-3 business days from receiving the Email Notification of your item's arrival for it be delivered to your office.
- Any questions about your hold, please contact the ILL Office directly.
- Any special instructions set by the lending library will be honored.
- For example "No Renewals," or "Library Use Only"
- If the item is listed as "Library Use Only," it will not be shipped to your office. Instead, it will be available for your use at the Boca Campus Library.
Distance Learners
If you are only taking online classes this semester, you are eligible to have your ILL holds shipped directly to your home address.
- ILL staff must first confirm that you do not have any classes on campus.
- If you already have an ILL Account, please contact the ILL Office to have your delivery method changed. It must be pre-approved by ILL staff before this service may be used.
- If you do not have an ILL Account, mark "Distance Learner" for your FAU Campus Delivery Location when you create your account.
- If you are currently abroad, we can only fill your Article Requests.
- If you are currently out of state, you will need the pre-approval of the ILL Manager to have anything shipped to you.
- Please note we can only do this in special circumstances.
- When an item is processed by the ILL Office, an automatic Email Notification is sent to let you know that your request is now available.
- The email will be from lyill@fau.edu and will have a subject line of Requested loan has arrived.
- You may receive a phone call to confirm that your home address information is still correct.
- Your ILL hold will then be checked out to your ILL Account by staff.
- Your item will be shipped via US Mail - Library Rate.
- Items generally take 3-5 business days to be delivered, though it can take longer for greater distances or during times of high mail volume at the Post Office.
- We can ship items rush, but you will responsible for for any shipping costs over the amount subsidized by FAU for each request. We will not charge your account without your written pre-approval.