Special Events


Host your next special event or meeting at the Florida Atlantic Libraries

Florida Atlantic University offers a variety of event venues on campus, and we thank you for considering our facilities as a home for your next meeting or event. The first step in hosting an event at the Florida Atlantic Libraries begins right here on our website. Should you have any questions regarding the event planning process, please contact us at libevents@fau.edu. A member of our team would be happy to assist.

To view the rental rates for meeting rooms in the S.E. Wimberly Library, please click here.

Request a Room Reservation

Before submitting a request, please review the Special Event Policies. By submitting a request, you acknowledge that you have reviewed and agree to our policies. To request a room reservation, please submit the appropriate request form below. A member of our team will contact you within 3 business days.

Room photos

The FAU Libraries offer the reservation of the following locations for FAU Registered Student Organizations, FAU departments/units, and unaffiliated groups/individuals.

Front Porch (Outdoor)

Located in the heart of FAU's main campus, the library serves as the perfect backdrop for outdoor tabling events. The use of amplified sound is permitted, however, there are no electrical outlets present outside of the building. Users must be prepared to provide their own power and equipment.

Front Porch   Front Porch

Lobby (1st Floor)

As the only public entryway into the building, the lobby offers a great opportunity to expose your organization to the thousands of students who come into the library each week. This location is available for tabling to promote events and services related to the library.

We also welcome FAU Registered Student Organizations and departments to request usage of the space for collection drives and donation boxes. With nearby parking for students and visitors, the FAU Library makes for one of the most convenient drop-off locations on campus.

Atrium   Atrium

Instruction Studio (LY 136)

Room Capacity:   Classroom Style 35

The Instruction Studio offers classroom style seating with computers and may only be reserved for the following purposes:

  • College, high school, or middle school classes scheduled for library instruction taught by a librarian or library assistant
  • Faculty and staff who are co-teaching with a librarian
  • Library instruction for FAU faculty or staff taught by a librarian or library assistant
  • Library staff meetings and trainings
  • Other FAU university trainings, instruction session, or orientations as determined by Head of Instruction & Engagement Services Department

Instruction Studio     Instruction Studio

Jaffe Center for Book Arts Gallery (LY 351D)

The Jaffe Center for Book Arts houses the Jaffe Collection, a contemporary artists' book collection, and studios for creative production. These rare and valuable collections allow the Book Arts Gallery to offer a unique backdrop for special events and presentations.

Jaffe Center for Book Arts Gallery    Jaffe Center for Book Arts Gallery

Weiner Education Studio (LY 551)

Room Capacity:   Theater Style 32          Classroom Style 20         Boardroom Style 20

Located within the Weiner Suite, the Weiner Education Studio specializes in natural light. This room provides furnishings that can be configured in a variety of styles to create an intimate setting for smaller meetings, trainings, and events.

Secured within a suite that holds a valuable collection of rare items, all events held in the Weiner Education Studio require the presence of library staff at all times. Access to the room is only by arrangement with the Dean of FAU Libraries or the Dean's designate. First priority in scheduling goes to instruction related to Special Collections.

Weiner Education Studio     Weiner Education Studio

University Club Boardroom (LY 552)

Room Capacity:   Theater Style 47        Classroom Style 24          Boardroom Style 16          U-Shape Setup 18          Hollow Sqauare 28

Located within the Weiner Suite, the University Club Boardroom is home to the best view on campus. Its floor to ceiling windows allow events to feel completely immersed into the FAU community. As one of the library's most technologically advanced meeting rooms, the boardroom offers videoconferencing capabilities and features furnishings that can be configured in a variety of styles.

Secured within a suite that holds a valuable collection of rare items, all events held in the University Club Boardroom require the presence of library staff at all times. Access to the room is only by arrangement with the Dean of FAU Libraries or the Dean's designate. First priority in scheduling goes to instruction related to Special Collections.

University Club Boardroom      University Club Boardroom

5th Floor Study Lounge

The Study Lounge features a variety of seating for individual and informal group study with increased access to power and enhanced wireless access throughout. The room has projection and audio capabilities to provide for presentations or special events as the furniture can be moved to provide for audience style seating.

However, the space is reserved for students at all times that classes are in session and during exam periods. Reservation requests for this location will not be accepted during these priority times.


 Study Lounge     Study Lounge

Last modified at 01/21/2025 - 08:37 AM