- Browse our many Frequently Asked Questions by topic.
- Type a question to search our FAQs.
- Not finding your answer? Submit a question!
- Get help with your research and library-related questions.
- FAU librarians will be available from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday.
- For all other times, librarians from around the world will be available for chat.
- Responses may be emailed within the next business day or 48 hours.

See hours
at the right
- Research and Instructional Services Office: (561) 297-3785 (temporarily unavailable due to construction)
(Open Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM)
- Service Desk (library): (561) 297-6911 (during open building hours).
By Appointment
- Meet one-on-one or in a small group.
- Available in person or via Zoom.
- Use our form to request/schedule an appointment!
- Learn how to find books and articles.
- Discover tips on doing research.
- Locate library and campus information AND more!
- Watch short videos for help with resources and services.
- Topics include Finding, Research, Services, Citations, Tutorials, Workshops, Courses, and Faculty.
Students and affiliates can also get assistance at the FAU John D. MacArthur campus library in Jupiter or at the FAU partner libraries in Fort Lauderdale and Davie.