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The medical librarians are available for office hours and appointments. Please contact us for more information.   

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Medical Library Department Mission

The predominant aim of the Medical and Health Sciences Collections and User Services department is to support the curricular, instructional, and research needs of the students, faculty, residents, and staff of the FAU Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine. The department is currently staffed by two medical librarians and maintains offices in the Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine and the S.E. Wimberly Library buildings. 

The medical librarians design, implement, and teach evidence-based medicine within the Foundations of Medicine courses and the Lifelong Learning & Discovery Thread. They also serve on College of Medicine standing and ad hoc committees, assist with the research needs of faculty and students, and implement programs designed to support the overall mission and vision of the College of Medicine. The department is also responsible for training and access for affiliate faculty, most of whom are located off-campus in hospitals, private practices, and health departments. The collection development component of the department incorporates both clinical and basic sciences as well as medical education requirements. 

Contact us for all your medical library resource and service needs. (e.g., article requests, OpenAthens logins, literature reviews, one-on-one and group consultations) 

Last modified at 12/11/2023 - 08:56 AM