Medical Library Resources

This database is no longer available. 

What: The 11th edition for Authors & Editors.


The Medical Library provides a Fellowship code that waives the publication fees.  Reach out to the medical librarians when ready to submit. 

What: BMJ Case Reports presents cases  in all disciplines so that healthcare professionals, researchers and others can easily find clinically important information on common and rare conditions.


How: Click here for additional support material. 

Features: Cases, journals, publication support (fee waiver) 

What: Guide providing reference management options, citation styles, and how to avoid plagiarism. 

Where: Click here to access the Citing Your Sources guide. 


  • Zotero, Mendeley, My NCBI, Endnote Basic, AMA Manual of Style (print & online), Turnitin

What: An academic Open Access channel of the Cureus journal. There is no fee to publish. 

Where: Access via browser. 

How: Additional support material provided below.   

What: The FAU Medical Librarians provide both collaboration and consultation services for systematic, scoping, and literature reviews for students, faculty, and staff of the FAU Schmidt College of Medicine. Please complete the Request form if you would like one of the FAU Medical Librarians to collaborate or consult with you on a review.

Where: Access and fill out the Medical Librarians Evidence Synthesis Service Request Form HERE

Timeline: Once the form is complete, please allow 1-3 business days for a response from a librarian. Completion of Evidence Synthesis Services vary and are determined on a case-by-case basis. Currently co-author level requests have an average turn around time of 6 weeks which is subject to lengthen based on volume of requests. Collaboration level requests will be coordinated with individual schedules. 

What: Guide to help structure your literature review search strategy, guide you to helpful resources, and level up your results with.

Where: Click here to access the EBM Literature Search guide

Features: Evidence Based Medicine, Gray literature, PICO, Citation/reference management

What: This guide provides an overview of both Systematic & Scoping Reviews, provides resources of conducting the Review, as well as provide resources for searching the literature to meet search strategy standards. 

Where: Click HERE to access the Systematic & Scoping Review Guide. 

What: Guide for finding grants & funders, grant writing support, Library resources, and more.

Where:  Click here to access the Grants and grant writing guide. 

What: Provides publisher-neutral data, statistics, and citation metrics about scholarly research, as well as a journal’s role within and influence upon the global research community. Includes access to the Journal Impact Factor™ (JIF).

Where: Access via browser. 


  • Manuscript matching

What: Guide created by the FAU Libraries' Scholarly Communication Services with resources to understand and find Research & Journal Impact Factors. 

Guide: Click here to see the Journal and Research Impact guide. 

Features: Altmetrics, Bibliometrics, Books, Impact Factors.