Library Tools for Success: Academic Video Online

Discover a wealth of resources for academic excellence and personal growth with AVON

At University Libraries, we are dedicated to providing Florida Atlantic students and faculty with resources that empower learning, research, and personal growth. That's why we're excited to introduce you to Academic Video Online (AVON), a dynamic streaming video platform that opens doors to a world of educational content.

With AVON, you can watch, learn, and enjoy award-winning films, training and demonstrations, documentaries, and more. This vast collection of over 80,000 streaming videos is available anytime, anywhere, making it a valuable resource for enhancing students' and researchers' academic journey.

We are especially thrilled to offer the Student Success video series through AVON. These 20-minute films provide practical, research-based advice to help college students develop essential skills for a happy, healthy, and productive higher education experience. Topics include stress management, navigating college life and relationships, career readiness, effective communication, exercise for health improvement, and math success.

But the benefits of AVON don't stop there. The collection spans disciplines from anthropology to zoology and includes an extraordinary range of documentaries, feature films, news programs, and more. Whether for research or entertainment, AVON's diverse collection of titles is at your fingertips, available to stream at no cost.

Access Academic Video Online here and log in with your Florida Atlantic University credentials. 

Last modified at 09/25/2023 - 14:26 PM