Incoming Florida Atlantic University High School student Mayah Chouloute, daughter of University Libraries staff member Yom Chouloute, will represent Haiti in the 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris on August 3.
At just fourteen years old, Mayah is the youngest athlete on the Haitian Olympic squad and has consistently ranked among the top swimmers in her age group. Her rigorous training regimen and unwavering determination have prepared her well for this prestigious competition and to begin high school at Florida Atlantic University High School this Fall.
Mayah's ties to Florida Atlantic are strong; both her parents are alumni, and her father serves as staff in the Wimberly Library while pursuing his Master's in Computer Science.
"We anxiously await the results of Mayah's event this summer," said Joel Herbst, Ed.D, Superintendent of Florida Atlantic Laboratory Schools. "We're excited to see how the flexibility and rigor of FAU High contribute to her continued success throughout her high school career and, hopefully, the 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles."
You can follow Mayah's Olympic journey on her Instagram account, where she will provide live updates and insights into her preparation and experiences. The entire Owl community is cheering for her and eagerly awaits her success.