Dean Golian-Lui Welcome Message August 2023 

Welcome, Owls! 

I hope this message finds you well-rested and ready to dive into the new academic year. I'm thrilled to extend a warm welcome back to each and every one of you, and look forward to seeing you at the library.  

I hope your summer was filled with relaxation, quality time with loved ones, and perhaps a great book or two. Now that we're transitioning into the fall semester, it's the perfect time to set your intentions and aspirations for what's to come. 

This semester, we will continue to host engaging events for the students, including our monthly Doughnuts with the Dean and therapy dog days with FAU PD and Owls Care. Make sure to stop by the Open House on August 31, and don’t miss the chance to explore the library during the Amazing Race from August 26 to September 2.  

Your success starts at the library, and I hope you will get a chance to use our spaces, programs, and services to help you achieve your goals this year.  Our librarians are always here to help. Please don’t hesitate to ask for assistance or advice. Stop by the Service Desk, reach out to us online, or knock on my door anytime for a coffee and a chat.  

This is your library, Owls!  

Linda Golian-Lui signature

Dr. Linda Marie Golian-Lui


Last modified at 08/25/2023 - 09:08 AM