Circulation: Policies and Services

General Information

ACCESS SERVICES: Circulation, Reserve, and Current Periodicals, Media Center
LOCATION: LY 132, 1st floor, West Wing
PHONE: 561-297-6911

Circulation: Policies and Services

Borrowing Privileges:
Library Cards

  • For currently enrolled FAU students, currently employed faculty, and staff, your OWL Card is your library card and enables you to check materials out of the library and swipe into the library. For more information on the OWL Card and its use on campus, click here. Distance Learning students may obtain their OWL Card by clicking here.
  • Card Holder assumes the responsibility for all items charged to the library card and must guarantee the safe return of all library materials.  If an item is lost, stolen, or damaged, the cardholder is responsible for all replacement fees and related costs. A library card may not be loaned to another person.

Eligibility for a Library Card

  • FAU students, faculty, affiliated clinical faculty, and staff, including retired faculty and staff (obtain your OWL Card from the OWL Card Center).
  • Retired faculty and staff, show special card from Human Resources.
  • FAU adjunct instructors (please obtain your OWL Card and show your letter of employment each semester)
  • FAU alumni (please show driver's license and current Alumni Association membership card)
  • FAU Intensive English students (please show OWL Card.  Access Services staff will check the Intensive English Institute class Roster.
  • FAU Research Park partners (please obtain OWL Card or present driver's license and letter of employment)
  • FAU University Benefactors and Members of the President's Club (please see Dean of Libraries)
  • Visiting Researchers (please see Dean of Libraries)
  • Currently enrolled PBSC students as well as students from other Florida state universities, state colleges, and community colleges (please show university/college ID, driver's license, and course schedule or receipt of payment for courses each semester)
  • Faculty and staff from PBSC, show Panther Card, library staff will consult PBSC online directory.
  • Faculty and staff from other Florida state universities, state colleges, and community colleges (please show university/college ID and letter of employment)
  • Friends of the Library (please show a copy of the application form and receipt for payment)
  • Special corporate borrowers (please show a copy of the application form and receipt for payment)
  • Students, faculty, and staff from Florida state universities, state colleges, and community colleges, please see above).
  • Cardholders of participating SEFLIN One Card libraries (must present a valid SEFLIN One Card from your home library.

Loan Restrictions, Checkout Periods, and Renewals

You must have your library card in hand to check out library materials.  If you do not have your library card, you may place materials on our 24-hour hold shelf.  Materials will be re-shelved after 24 hours if they are not checked out. Students, faculty, and staff may check out up to 500 items at one time. All special borrowers are limited to a maximum of 25 items checked out at any one time. Books may be kept out for the following periods of time:

  • FAU Faculty: 6 months (due either June 30 or December 30)
  • PBSC faculty and staff: current semester  
  • Graduate students, staff, adjunct instructors, and visiting researchers: current semester
  • PBSC students and other undergraduates and special borrowers (e.g. Friends, alumni, Research Park partners, and SEFLIN cardholders): 3 weeks
  • Books from the circulating collection may be renewed as long as there is no hold or recall on the item and the item is not overdue. You may renew your books in person at the Service Desk, or you may view and renew your books online by clicking here.  Books cannot be renewed online on their due date or if they are overdue.

Returning Books

  • Books can be returned at the library book drops or circulation/service desks of any campus library.  On the Boca Raton campus, book drops are located at the north and south ends of the Breezeway and at the library entrance.  On the Jupiter campus, book drops are located at the library front door and the entrance to the Honors College. 


  • Materials that are more than 30 days overdue are declared lost and the borrower will be charged a replacement fee of $66.81 per item. The replacement will be credited for items that were declared lost and are subsequently returned.  All borrowers are subject to charges. Bills are sent from the Cashier's Office and must be paid to that office.  You can pay your charges using the payment methods found here. Users will also be charged for damaged materials. Charges for damaged items vary by item and the extent of the damage. Damaged items remain the state's property to be disposed of in the same way as other items withdrawn from the collection.


  • If a book is checked out, FAU students, faculty, and staff may request the item. All library materials, except AV (audio-visual) items and items on Reserve, are subject to holds or recalls at any time.  A hold will keep the book at the Service Desk for pick up for 8 days. Notice is sent to you of the item's availability. A recall can be placed on books that have been checked out for more than 3 weeks.  Books that are needed for course reserve may be recalled at any time. The patron using the book must return it to the library within 8 days. You will then be notified that the item is available for use. To place a hold or recall on a book, click here. You may also request a hold or recall directly from the library catalog. Please remember that this service is only available to FAU students, faculty, and staff.

Books/Periodicals Missing from the Shelf

  • You may fill out a Missing Book/Periodical form at the Service Desk. If the item is found, you will be notified; if not, the book or article may be obtained through Interlibrary Loan. You may fill out the form to search for missing books and periodicals online by clicking here. Please allow at least 3 days for searches.

Photocopying and Printing

  • To make photocopies and to print from the Libraries' computers you will need to use the FAU Printing Services portal at  Current charges for copies and printing are as follows: black and white PC printing and photocopies $.08, color PC printing and photocopies $.30.

Providing Change

  • The library does not make or provide change.


  • The library uses the 3M Book Security System. It is a solid-state electronic detection system, monitoring the unauthorized removal of pre-conditioned materials. The system is completely safe and harmless. It will not erase or affect magnetic tapes, films, or cassettes. The 3M system detects security devices through bags, briefcases, and clothing. Personal books and other objects may trigger the system if there is a security system device in the item itself. If the alarm on the security system alerts when you are exiting, you are asked to step back to the Service Desk. The library also has a video recording/monitoring system, with cameras set up in various locations throughout the library. This system serves the purpose of assisting in loss prevention.

ADA Group Study Room - LY 251

  • This room is available to students who have spoken to their coordinator and are registered with Student Accessibility Services (SAS).  Contact your coordinator and they will contact the library usually within 24 hours the request for use of the study room. Contact SAS.  Available software includes 1) Fusion, and 2) Read&Write.  Available equipment includes 1) High contrast keyboard, 2) Adaptable lighting, and 3) Adjustable desk.  This room is charged out for 2 hours, renewable once.  Subsequent renewals may be granted if no one is waiting for the room.  A valid OWL Card/Library Card is required for checkout.  Study room keys are not allowed outside the library and staff will not hold keys.

Individual Study Rooms

  • These rooms are available to individuals who need to study alone. Limited food or drink may be consumed in these rooms. The rooms are charged out for 2 hours, renewable once.  Additional renewals are allowed if another study room is available.  A valid OWL Card/Library Card is required for checkout.  Study room keys are not allowed outside the library and staff will not hold keys.

Group Study Rooms

  • These rooms are available to groups who need to participate in projects or discussions. Limited food or drink may be consumed in these rooms. The rooms are charged out for 2 hours, renewable once.  Additional renewals are allowed if another study room is available.  A pager may be offered if no other rooms are available.  Two group members must be present at the Service Desk to check out a key or to receive a pager.  One group member must have a valid OWL Card/Library Card.  Study room keys are not allowed outside the library and staff will not hold keys.  Group study rooms are not available for individual use.

Collaborative Group Study Rooms

  • The library has several collaborative study rooms.  In addition to the policies above for group study rooms, three group members must be present at the Service Desk to check out a room key.

Graduate Student Conference Room - LY 245D

  • This room is located in the Graduate Study Lounge, LY 245, on the second floor of the west wing.  In addition to the policies above for group study rooms, access to this room is limited to graduate students.  At least two group members, both with OWL Cards, must be present at the Service Desk to check out the key.


  • Use UBorrow to request books that are not owned by FAU but are available from other Florida state university libraries. Begin by searching for materials in the Library Catalog and then follow the UBorrow link. Users can request to receive their book at a specific FAU campus library and will be e-mailed when it is available for pick up. More information about this service is available here.

Circulation Concerns

  • If you have any questions or concerns regarding Circulation Policies and Services, please contact Steven C. Matthew, Head of Access Services, or Badara Taal, Assistant Department Head/Circulation Manager.

Current Periodicals: Policies and Services


  • The staff at the Service Desk provide basic assistance with current periodicals. For research assistance, please ask for help at the Service Desk.


  • Current issues of most newspapers, magazines, and journals are shelved in the stacks by call number. Periodicals do not circulate.

Electronic Journals

  • The FAU Libraries also subscribe to many journals in electronic format. These e-journals provide the same content as their print counterpart and are an alternative form of the same print journals, or are independent online publications. To access our e-journal collection, click here. FAU students, faculty, and staff may access these e-journals off-campus by E-Z Proxy. To do this, click here.

Periodicals Concerns

  • If you have any questions or concerns regarding CPM Policies and Services, please contact Steven C. Matthew, Head of Access Services, or Badara Taal, Assistant Department Head/Circulation Manager.

Last modified at 01/13/2025 - 12:30 PM