Fair Use Week 2022: About Fair Use and Library Events

By Kristy Padrón, MLIS Scholarly Communication Services Librarian
fair use week

Although we do or use these things almost every day, did you know the following are examples of fair use in action?

  • Paraphrasing and citing the works of others for an assignment or in a published work.
  • Showing your personal copy of a DVD or multimedia in a face-to-face class.
  • Downloading:  saving a PDF of an article to your personal library or PC for your individual use.
  • Web browsers:  they mine content on servers and web pages, and then transform the information into search results.

Fair Use Week is February 21 – 25, 2022.  The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) designated this time to highlight and promote what fair use allows us to do with copyrighted works.

What is copyright and fair use?

First, let’s discuss copyright.  It is a set of laws that give creators (or copyright holders) the rights to distribute, sell, copy, perform, and otherwise control their work.  A key part of this definition is work, meaning any idea that is put into a tangible form such as a book, recording, drawing, image, or music.  Copyright can belong to an individual, be shared among creators, and get transferred or licensed to others.  Its legal protections are given for a limited time and are intended to encourage creators to create and benefit from their work.

Fair use is a limitation in U.S. copyright law (USC Title 17 § 107) that allows others to use copyrighted works on a limited basis and depends on the details of use.  The law itself is only 178 words long yet provides some leeway for creative or educational purposes.

How does fair use help me?

Fair use allows us to reuse the work of others for teaching, learning, and creative activities.  Students learn facts, concepts, and theories contributed by others.  Scholars and academics build on previous works to create new knowledge and understandings.  Creative types get inspired to create new works based on the visual, musical, or performing arts made by others.  Ultimately, fair use allows us to contribute to teaching, knowledge, and cultural expression!

FAU Library Events

Join the FAU Libraries copyright and fair use events!  All students, staff, and faculty are invited.

Fair Use: Small, Mighty, Yet Misunderstood
Monday, February 21, 2022 | 12:15 – 12:50 PM
Via WebEx; Register at https://techevents.fau.edu/event/8831118
A Professional Development Webinar for FAU Center for Online and Continuing Education.
Recommended for faculty, instructors, and teaching assistants.

Copyright & Fair Use: Basics, Facts & Myths
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
12:00 – 12:50 PM - Register at https://bit.ly/3n4rK81  
4:00 – 4:50 PM (Repeat) - Register at https://bit.ly/3mYUXBe
Via Zoom
For all students, staff, and faculty who know a little but want to learn more about copyright and fair use.

Copyright Criminals – A Documentary & Discussion on Sampling & Hip-Hop
Wednesday, February 23, 2022 | 3:00 – 4:30 PM
In-Person; LY3, University Boardroom (5th Floor)
Register at https://bit.ly/3qmRiiS
Recommended for students, staff, and faculty interested in hip-hop, sampling music, the creative process, and intellectual property.

Originality statement:  This blog was originally posted at https://library.fau.edu/external-relations/fair-use-week-2021-promoting… on February 18, 2021; some revisions have been made.

Last modified at 02/16/2022 - 10:26 AM