Promotion Appraisal Process

As employees eligible for promotion, FAU Librarians may be apprised of their progress toward promotion as stated in Article 14 of the 2006-2009 "Florida Atlantic University Board of Trustees/United Faculty of Florida Collective Bargaining Agreement." Within Article 14, section 14.1 (b) and 14.3 (b) address the promotion appraisal and are included below: 

Article 14 Promotion Procedure

  • "14.1 (b) Upon annual written request beginning with the second year of employment, employees eligible for promotion shall receive a non-binding appraisal of their progress toward promotion. The appraisal, which shall be a separate component of the annual evaluation, is intended to help candidates qualify themselves for promotion. Upon written request of the employee, an administrator at the next higher level, shall meet with the employee to discuss unresolved appraisal issues." *

  • "14.3 (b) Recommendations for promotion shall include a copy of applicable promotion criteria, the employee's annual assignments and annual evaluations, and, if the employee chooses, the employee's promotion appraisal(s). The reviewers at any stage in the review may request to view the appraisal(s). " *
  • *The formal promotion appraisal process as stated above is subject to revision pending future Florida Atlantic University Board of Trustees/United Faculty of Florida collective bargaining agreements. 

Informal Promotion Appraisal Process:

  • Role of the Mentor: As stated in the "FAU Libraries Faculty Mentoring Program," one of the responsibilities of the mentor is to "be familiar with and explain the Libraries’ and University’s criteria, policies, and procedures regarding promotion."

  • Role of the FAU Libraries Promotion Committee: As stated in the "Florida Atlantic University Libraries Promotion Guidelines," one of the responsibilities of the FAU Libraries Promotion Committee is to conduct an informational session each Spring semester to provide an overview of the Libraries’ and University’s criteria, policies, and procedures regarding promotion. This session will include a question and answer period to address specific questions or concerns the attendees may have regarding the promotion process.

Last modified at 08/10/2018 - 15:54 PM