New Faculty Hiring Procedures

New Faculty Hiring Guidelines Statement

The University Libraries conduct searches for new faculty through a search committee process. The FAU Libraries seek the best qualified applicants for all faculty positions and will ordinarily recruit nationally. The Search Committee often is the only contact many applicants and candidates will have with the University. Therefore, the Search Committee is provided with an excellent opportunity to enhance the reputation of Florida Atlantic University. Always remember that while a Search Committee is evaluating a candidate, the candidate is also evaluating the Search Committee, the department it represents, the Libraries, and the University.

This document details the process and procedures for hiring faculty at the FAU Libraries. FAU Libraries formulate faculty search committees to assist with hiring new faculty in accordance with the guiding documents of The Office of the Provost-, in compliance with the procedures of hiring as defined by Human Resources at Florida Atlantic University, and the Faculty Handbook.

Search committees at Florida Atlantic University are fact-finding committees and, when formed, all members should be reminded that they are to provide the Dean of University Libraries with feedback on candidates, including strengths and weaknesses so that the Dean can make an informed hiring decision. According to The Office of the Provost, committees that do not make decisions are not bound by the Sunshine Law,  not open to the public, and  do not  need to be noticed. Provost’s Guidelines supersede any information provided here, and this document should be updated annually to maintain consistency with the guidelines.

Recruiting for Diversity
Florida Atlantic University and the FAU Libraries are committed to the recruitment and retention of a diverse faculty. Florida Atlantic University seeks a diverse staff to support the diversity of our growing student body. FAU Libraries search committee members are advised to review the American Library Association’s Recruiting for Diversity guidelines.

FAU Libraries will conduct faculty searches in compliance with the latest version of the Office of the Provost Faculty Search and Hiring Procedures.

Search Committee
A search committee will be formed for each vacant faculty position that is not exempted according to the Provost’s guidelines.

Composition of the Search Committee
The Dean appoints the Search Committee Chair, in consultation with the Department Head where the vacancy is listed or other departmental personnel if no Department Head is available. In general, search committees will represent a cross-section of the library and will take into account the University’s commitment to diversity and inclusion in the composition of the committee. Committee members should have some interaction with or knowledge of the role the position has in the library. Search committees for positions at or above the Assistant Dean level will ordinarily have at least one Assistant Dean in its membership. Where possible, all search committees will have one or more faculty from the department in which the vacancy exists; one or more staff members (if applicable) from the department in which the vacancy exists; and one or more faculty from another department. An individual from another FAU unit may be invited to serve on a committee. As the committee is advisory to the Dean, the Dean does not serve on library search committees. Assistant Deans may serve on a search committee if they are not serving as Interim Dean.

Dean of Libraries:

  • Solicits approval from the Office of the Provost to recruit for the vacancy.
  • Selects the Search Committee Chair.
  • Consults with the Chair about the composition of the committee and authorizes the Chair to contact other committee members.
  • Prior to recruitment, the Dean and the Chair review the position description, job qualifications, and credentialing for the position.
  • Prior to recruitment, the Dean and the Chair review the wording for the position advertisement, determine appropriate venues for advertising the position, and determine the recruitment period.
  • Authorizes the Search Committee Chair to begin the recruitment process.
  • The Dean, as the hiring authority, selects the top candidate considering the Committee report but may choose from any of the qualified candidates and notifies the Committee Chair of the decision.
  • The Dean sends a summary of the search process and a draft offer letter to the Vice Provost, Academic Affairs, and Human Resources for approval.
  • Upon approval of the Provost’s Office, the Dean or the Dean’s designate notifies and enters into negotiations with the selected candidate. All negotiated terms are subject to the approval of the Human Resources and the Provost’s Office. Negotiations are verbal and contingent upon the successful completion of a background check.
  • Upon verbal acceptance of the offer by the candidate, the Dean or the Dean’s designate notifies the Libraries’ HR Representative who then contacts the Recruitment Services Office. Recruitment services will notify the Libraries HR Representative when the background check is approved.

Search Committee Chair
The Chair schedules meetings of the Search Committee and leads the Committee in their responsibilities, which include: reviewing candidate files according to a timely schedule, contacting references, and soliciting input about the candidates from library faculty and staff.  The Chair is responsible for documenting the Committee’s activities in a Search Committee report to the Dean of Libraries.


  • Consults with the Dean about the composition of the Search Committee.
  • After authorization by the Dean, contacts other prospective Search Committee members and asks them to serve.
  • Works with Libraries’ HR Representative to complete all Workday functions related to the position.
  • Prior to conducting a search, contacts the Office of Equity, Inclusion and Compliance (EIC) to schedule a training to familiarize Committee members with aspects of equal employment hiring.
  • Works with Committee to develop the grid for reviewing applicants and guides the Committee in reviewing all applicant materials according to the qualifications grid appropriate for the position.
  • Keeps the Dean apprised of the work of the Committee and prepares a short list of applicants for the Dean’s review.
  • Recommends to the Dean s candidates for on-site campus visits.
  • Works with Library Administration staff to arrange lodging and travel for on-site applicants.
  • Solicits feedback from library personnel about on-site applicants.
  • Reviews feedback and works with Committee to prepare a report for the Dean.

The report may include:

    • Interview criteria such as interview questions and presentation topics.
    • Copies of any correspondence between committee and candidate(s).
    • Summary of qualification grid responses for all candidates.
    • List of candidates for consideration, with reasons for consideration.
    • List of recommended candidate(s) for the position, with rationale(s) for hiring.
  • Meets with the Dean and discusses the Committee’s report.

Search Committee Members:

  • Maintain confidentiality throughout the search process.
  • Act as a fact-finding and advisory group to assist the hiring authority (Dean) in providing recommendations for applicant selection.
  • Develop qualifications grid for applicants’ qualifications.
  • Review all applicant materials and rate according to the grid.
  • Develop a set of interview questions for all candidates.
  • Take part in phone and on-site interviews. Because time is of the essence when recruiting top candidates, not all Committee members need be present in order to schedule a virtual or on-site interview with a desired applicant.
  • Serve as hosts to on-site candidates, including arranging local transportation through the Library Administration Office, arranging meals, ensuring that candidates are accompanied to meetings, and ensuring that candidates are comfortable and feel welcome.
  • Return all grids to the Search Committee Chair at the completion of the process.

Records Process
Employment application, posting documents, advertisements, and selection records are to be retained for seven anniversary years after the personnel action.  People Admin will store all information entered for the period required by law.  In certain situations, especially when the new employee is not a U.S. citizen or green card holder, the hiring unit may want to retain originals of any job advertisements in outside publications that appeared in print.

The Libraries’ HR Representative will submit requests for external advertising through University channels.  The University encourages advertising in online publications and publications that enhance diversity. Specific information that must be contained in advertisements is spelled out in the Provost’s guidelines. The Libraries will ordinarily advertise all faculty positions at the national level. Once the position has been listed on the University’s HR website, additional advertisements may be placed at some or all of the following or other appropriate venues.

Resources for Library Job Ad Placement:

Last modified at 03/06/2025 - 16:53 PM