Erase Hate Exhibit


Together with the FAU Center for IDEAs and in support of the FAU Libraries Erase Hate initiative, we want to give students, faculty and staff the opportunity to express their feelings about the horrific death of George Floyd and others who lost their lives to racial injustice. This is a safe space where the FAU community can express actions they would like to take or feel others should take to erase the hate in order to start a conversation.  We invite FAU students, faculty and staff to submit written (spoken word, poetry, essay, letters, etc..) or artistic (painting, sculpture, drawing, etc…) pieces answering the questions:

  • How have you been impacted by racism you have experienced or have witnessed?
  • What is your hope for the future?

Your submission will be shared anonymously on the FAU Libraries website in an effort to create a space where we can listen and learn from each other and most importantly, promote a community of respect for all.  Select pieces will also be part of an upcoming exhibition. 

Files and images should be emailed to and include the name, age, and FAU degree program. 


Erase Hate Virtual Exhibit


Last modified at 04/14/2021 - 11:03 AM