Go to Research Repository Collections

FAU's digital research repository supports open access to scholarly content by providing access to the creative and scholarly works produced by FAU students, faculty, and researchers.
FAU's Research Repository:
Facilitates the wide dissemination of research
Showcases and brands FAU scholarship to attract new students, researchers and grants to the University
Increases citation impact because research is discovered more easily
Supports author efforts to retain copyright to their scholarly work
Creates a collective body of knowledge showcasing faculty accomplishments for accreditation purposes and serves to aggregate the intellectual output of FAU
author submissions give the repository nonexclusive rights to disseminate author works
The repository accepts deposit of faculty and student works into the repository, providing keywords and metadata to enhance findability. Works deposited include graduate student theses and dissertations, student research posters, abstracts, presentations, capstones, Honors theses, faculty papers, preprint publications, conference proceedings, technical reports and more.
Submissions to the research repository:
Authors submitting content are required to include a copyright statement and are responsible for adhering to copyright law including the eligibility to deposit works if they have transferred or licensed their work elsewhere.