EZproxy FAQs

EZproxy FAQs

General Question

What is EZproxy?

EZproxy is a remote access service for accessing electronic databases, books and journals from off campus. For example, resources like EBSCOhost, ProQuest, or JSTOR recognize you as an authorized user when you are on campus, but when off campus, authentication is required.

Who can use the Libraries' electronic databases, journals and books off campus?

The FAU Libraries must follow the licensing agreements of database providers which allow only authorized users to access their sites from off campus. Authorized users include current FAU students, faculty and staff. See FAU Libraries Borrowing Privileges.

How do I sign in?

You can sign in using your Library Account information or your FAUNet ID. 

Off campus, you may want to begin your research by first signing in from the Libraries' homepage, http://www.fau.edu/library/. Select "Off Campus Connect: (EZproxy)" from the home page Quick Links. Or, bookmark http://ezproxy.fau.edu/ (you will be directed back to the Libraries' home page). 

However, if you first select an electronic database, journal or ebook from the Libraries' webpages (including SearchWiSE, catalog, indexes/databases, or the electronic journals pages), you will be prompted to sign in.

Your user ID is the 14-digit number located under the bar code on your Owl Card (without the "A"). Your Owl Card is activated if you have borrowed materials from the library or if you have had it activated by the library circulation department.

When I sign in using my Library Account, my Owl card number and pin do not work. What's wrong?

The card should be activated at the Circulation Desk (Boca or Jupiter Campus, or HBOI). This is a one-time procedure that is done in person for the protection of the cardholder. Distance Learning students may activate their library card by phoning the FAU Libraries Access Services. 

For issues related to signing into your Library Account, contact FAU Libraries Access Services. 

How do I sign in with my FAUNet ID?

FAUNet is FAU's central authentication system and an FAUNet ID is automatically assigned to you. If you have not claimed your account, visit MyFAU and log in with your initial default password. As of September 13, 2012, the initial default password for all new users is the three letters fau in lowercase followed by your date of birth in MMDDYY format (fauMMDDYY).

When I sign in using my FAUNet ID, my name and password don't work. What's wrong?

See the OIT Help Desk for all issues related to your FAUNet ID.

How do I know if I connected successfully?

You are connected whenever the URL in your location window contains "ezproxy.fau.edu."

Example: http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.fau.edu index?accountid=10902&select…

Do I have to sign in to EZproxy if I am already signed in to MyFAU, VPN, Blackboard?

Yes, at this time it is still necessary to sign in to EZproxy when accessing electronic resources from MyFAU, VPN and Blackboard.

Do I need to do anything to my computer/internet browser?

Accept Cookies in your browser's preferences/options settings. Cookies will expire and are removed upon closing your browser session.

Enable Java/JavaScript in your browser's preferences/options settings.

If you are accessing from work, please see question below.


I'm at work and cannot access the databases, why not?

Deactivate any proxy configuration settings in your browser software's internet options settings.

Your workplace may be using a firewall or a proxy server for security reasons. If you get the message, "This page cannot be displayed," then the connection problem is probably due to a firewall. You will need to contact your company's network administrator for assistance.

I have been working in EZproxy successfully, why is "ezproxy.fau.edu" no longer in the URL?

Only use links on the FAU Libraries' Web pages. Do not use the "home" button, "favorites," or "bookmarks," or input into the location bar. Use "back" and "forward" buttons freely.

Your session may have timed out, or you may have browsed outside of the EZproxy protected pages, or opened another browser.

I got a Hostname error. What do I do?

If you receive an error with similar text as below, please report this error and the name of the database to eresources@fau.edu.

To allow /login?url=http://www.xxxx.org/xxxx, your EZproxy Administrator must first authorize this within the ezproxy.cfg file. Within this database's section of the file, the following line must be added: Host www.xxxx.org.

Why I am getting the error message: "File missing: docs\expired.htm"?

You may receive this error message when logging in with your FAUNet ID. This is a server issue and the library will need to be notified, please email eresources@fau.edu; in the meantime, sign in via your library account.

Why am I getting the message: "The resource you are trying to access may be restricted to FAU medical school affiliates."?

Some electronic resources are only available to College of Medicine affiliates. If you are not an affiliate, you will receive this message when trying to access the resource with your credentials. There are instances in which an error may generate this message. If you believe you have received this message in error, please contact eresources@fau.edu.

Why am I being asked to sign in to a database or electronic journal, or pay for an article?

Check to make sure that "ezproxy.fau.edu" is in the URL. If you are still in EZproxy mode, the library may not have access to that resource. Please email eresources@fau.edu.

Tip and Tricks

When I get email alerts from journals, why can't I use the links to access the articles?

Some vendors add the prefix which enables off-campus linking to alerts, some don't. If the links you are provided with don't start with: "http://ezproxy.fau.edu/login?url=" they won't work off campus. You can try adding the prefix, or use the Link Makertool.

Why should I sign in to EZproxy when using SearchWiSE, Pubmed or Google Scholar?

Although you are able to search these resources without signing into EZproxy, by signing in you will be recognized as an FAU user and custom features will be available: SearchWiSE and Google Scholar results will display citation counts from Web of Science, and PubMed and Google Scholar results will link directly to FAU subscribed resources via the Find it @ FAU link. Please note that if you are already on campus, you will also have access to these custom features.

If you are already signed in to EZproxy and remain in the same browser, you will remain authenticated when navigating to these databases. You can also find the links on the Libraries' Indexes/Databases page.

As faculty, how would I add the proxy URL to create links to databases, journals, or articles in my syllabus?

You can use the Link Maker to easily add the EZproxy information to a permalink. See the Faculty LibGuide for more information on linking to library resources.


Last modified at 06/03/2020 - 21:41 PM