What should I do if I discover a fire?
- Activate the fire alarm system by pulling one of the nearest pull stations that are located along the exit routes, if the alarm is not already sounding. When the fire alarm sounds, it will notify employees of emergencies and evacuations that will be conducted during emergency conditions.
- Close all doors behind you as you exit.
- Check all doors for heat before you open or go through the doorway to avoid walking into a fire.
- Follow your evacuation route and evacuate the building through the nearest fire-free, smoke-free exit if the alarm is sounding. *DO NOT USE ELEVATORS*.
- Notify emergency personnel about the locations of any individuals with disabilities who require assistance evacuating the building or in the case of an immediate, life threatening situation, try to personally assist the individual outside of the building.
- Senior Leadership Team (SLT) members and/or other designated personnel at the Boca Raton Campus Library, obtain necessary supplies (i.e. vests, sign, bullhorn, and whistles) from the Service Desk to help guide patrons to pre-determined outdoor assembly area(s) (as indicated below).
- Senior Leadership Team (SLT) member and/or designated Jupiter Campus Library staff, obtain necessary supplies (i.e. vests, sign, bullhorn, and whistles) from room 105C to help guide patrons to pre-determined outdoor assembly area (as indicated below).
- Proceed to the pre-determined outdoor assembly area for the building:
- Boca Raton Campus Library (at least 100 feet from the building):
- Engineering West (EG - 36) (across from the front of the library).
Parking Garage 1 (just adjacent to the library loading dock).
- Jupiter Campus Library (at least 100 feet from the building):
The soccer field (just adjacent to the library).
Outside campus police station.
- Boca Raton Campus Library (at least 100 feet from the building):
- Call 911 to report the fire, after you evacuate the building.
- Dean of Libraries or Senior Officer Present (SOP) notifies the Provost's Office that the library building has been evacuated.
- Remain in the assembly area until you have been told to re-enter the building by the emergency personnel in charge.
- Departments/units should stand near each other in the assembly area to help facilitate the head count process for their area.
What do I need to know about portable fire extinguishers?
- Portable fire extinguishers are installed throughout the building.
- Familiarize yourself with the locations of the fire extinguishers and receive hands-on training.
- Fire extinguishers can only be used for small fires that can be easily contained.
Multi-purpose ABC fire extinguishers are used to fight Class “A”, “B” and “C” fires:
- Class “A”: Fires caused by ordinary combustibles, such as wood, paper or textiles.
- Class “B”: Fires caused by flammable and combustible liquids, such as cooking oil, gasoline, and other solvents.
- Class “C”: Fires caused by electrically-energized equipment or appliances, etc.
When should I use a portable fire extinguisher?
Attempt to use fire extinguishers ONLY if the following apply:
- You are trained on how to use the fire extinguisher (FAU EH&S Fire Extinguisher Training).
- The proper extinguisher is readily available.
- The fire is small, contained, and not spreading beyond its starting point.
- The exit is cleared and there is no imminent peril.
- The building is being evacuated.
- The fire department is being called.
How do I use a fire extinguisher?
To operate your extinguisher, remember the word PASS.
- P – Pull the pin
- A – Aim low at the base of the fire
- S – Squeeze the level
- S – Sweep across the fire
How do I prevent fires from occurring?
- Check for the following fire hazards at all times and report to EH&S or call University Police Improper disposal of smoking materials.
- Exits not clearly marked or means of egress blocked by storage.
- Trash and other combustibles have not been disposed of regularly or improper storage of flammable and combustible liquids.
- Electrical hazards, such as overloaded outlets, unapproved types of extension cords, exposed wires and power cords that are in poor condition.
- Use of open flames/candles.
For more information, visit the EH&S – Fire Safety Program.