HBOI Library Emergency Plans

Emergency Preparedness- Hurricane Warning

Last reviewed: March 19, 2025
Link building: HBOI Library
Emergency Preparedness - Hurricane Warning 

Primary Responsibility: 
Link Building Supervisor/Nelson Beaman: (OIT)
Library staff are considered Non-Essential Personnel and assist with preparation if on campus or may be called in by Building Supervisor to assist.
Tina Angelo, Business Assistant, HB18 Room 203C, 772-242-2247 (office), 772-528-9501 (cell) 

HBOI Library Equipment Preparation Checklist:

The following is a checklist of equipment, by department or functional area to be protected. Unless
otherwise noted, these items should be moved to protected areas of the building, if feasible. All
equipment moved should be tagged or labeled with the department's or person's name for later
identification. If there is not enough time or staff available to move items needing protection, all electronic
and electrical equipment left in place should be unplugged from the power source, elevated off the floor, if
possible, moved away from windows, if possible, and covered with plastic sheeting. All office doors
should be closed and locked.


  •  E = Elevate, if feasible
  •  M = Move, if feasible
  •  U = Unplug
  •  C = Cover with plastic sheeting

A. Main Library (Library Director (primary), or OIT (secondary) responsible)
1. PCs and peripherals – U, E if on floor, C
2. PCs near windows - U, E, M or C
3. Desks and files near windows – E, C
4. Photocopier - U, C
5. Loaded book trucks near windows - M
6. 3M Self Check – U, C
7. Bookscans, ADA peripherals, U, C

B. Offices: 108C, 108F
1. PC’s, monitors, printers - U, E, C
2. Laptops to Charger - M

C. Study room
1. PC’s, printer – U, E, C
2. Laptops to Charger - M
3. Charger - U, C
4. Videoconferencing Equipment - U, C

D. Storage Area (in Study Room)
1. PC’s – C
2. All equipment – U 

E. eLearning Classroom & Studio – 108G - OIT Assistance Needed
1. Smartboard - U, C
2. Camera - U, C
3. Podium - U, C
4. FAU PC network - U, C 

Last modified at 03/19/2025 - 12:55 PM