FAU Government Information Maps


National Geographic Maps
Map Cabinet 16, First Floor East
National Geographic

Front: 1:2,736,000 scale map of the State of Texas (Albers Equal Area Projection) showing large cities, major roads, Indian reservations, National Parks, physiographic regions, and descriptive texts for areas of interest. Back: Several maps detailing the history of Texas, including: Map of the territorial claims between the U.S., France, and Spain after the Louisiana Purchase; Map of the Lone Star Republic after it won it's independence from Mexico; Map of the expansion of Texas to its current extent, the agricultural products grown there fro 1845-1900, and the distribution of different cultures there; Map of the industries in Texas from 1900-1950, such as oil production, cattle ranching, tobacco, and cotton; Map of the current agriculture in Texas, urban areas, and extent of the petroleum industry. (1986).  

Ohio Valley

National Geographic Maps
Map Cabinet 16, First Floor East
National Geographic

Front: 1:1,551,000 scale map of the central United States, focusing on the Ohio River Valley (Albers Equal Area Projection) showing large cities, major roads, the other major rivers in the region, National Parks, some physiographic features, and descriptive texts for areas of interest. Back: Several maps detailing the history of the Ohio Valley region including: Map of the region showing early indigenous cultural areas and sites, forts established by French fur traders, and routes from explorers; Map of expanding American territory and settlement beyond the Appalachians; Map of agricultural products, transportation corridors, and the locations of Steamboat operations; Map of the region divided during the Civil War and battle locations; Map of industrialized cities, agriculture, and resource extraction; Map of industrial products, our-migrations and in-migration. (1985). 

Central Plain

National Geographic Maps
Map Cabinet 16, First Floor East
National Geographic

Front: 1:2,301,000 scale map of the Great Plains of the U.S. (Albers Equal Area Projection) featuring large cities, major roads, National Parks, Indian reservations, and descriptive text for areas of interest. Back: Several maps of the Great Plains of the U.S. featuring the history of the region; maps include: Original land cover and arrival of horses to the native population as well as the expanse of the native tribes, Map of areas settled by whites before and after the Indian Removal in the 1830's, the agricultural products in the Great Plains and the white ethnic groups settled there, and the extent of the the agricultural heartland; also included are the maps of Dust Bowl extent, Indian territory in what is now Oklahoma, and the trails of forced Indian relocation from 1830 to 1900. (1985). 

Northern Approaches

International & World Maps, National Geographic Maps
Map Cabinet 16, First Floor East
National Geographic

Front: 1:1,375,000 scale map of the northeast United States and eastern provinces of Canada (Albers Equal Area Projection) showing large cities, major roads, National Parks, Indian reservations, and descriptive text for areas of interest. Back: Several maps of the northeast, featuring: expansion of settlers overland from Maine into Canada and into the Ohio Valley while Acadians returned to New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, The areas occupied by various indigenous peoples with oversea exploration and trade routes, Imperial possessions in the northeast U.S. and contested lands between the English and French from 1630 to 1763, The changing commercial industries in the northeast from 1850 to 1950, and the current lingual areas of the northeast as well as built-up urban areas. (1985). 

The Far West

National Geographic Maps
Map Cabinet 16, First Floor East
National Geographic

Front: 1:871,000 scale map of the western United States (Albers Equal Area Projection) showing large cities, major roads, Indian reservations, National Parks, the physiographic provinces of the region, and descriptive text for areas of interest. Back: Several maps of the western United States featuring: Irrigated farmlands of California and Nevada, Spanish colonial rule of the western United States, the various territories of of the western continent 1821 to 1860, population growth and land use in from 1860 to 1900, and current land use 1940 to present (with an inset map of Asian and Hispanic populations). (1984). 


International & World Maps, National Geographic Maps
Map Cabinet 16, First Floor East
National Geographic

Front: 1:4,295,000 scale map of the State of Alaska (Albers Equal Area Projection) showing Alaska's cities, major roads for transportation, National Parks and Preserves, petroleum reserves, the extent of wooded forests, Indian reservations, and descriptive text for areas of interest; Inset map of the Aleutian Islands. Back: Several map describing the history of Alaska featuring: Native settlement from 1700-1743, map of different European commercial interests in Alaska from 1743-1863, economic expansion into Alaska following its purchase in 1867, Military use during World War II and the Cold War, and its present state. (1984). 

Northern Plains

International & World Maps, National Geographic Maps
Map Cabinet 16, First Floor East
National Geographic

Front: 1:2,440,000 scale map of the Northern Plains states of the U.S. and southern Canada (Albers Equal Area Projection) featuring large cities, major roads, Indian reservations, National Parks, historical sites, and descriptive text for areas of interest. Back: Several maps showing the history of the Northern Plains, including the mobility of Indian tribes with horses, expansion of settlers by whites in the 19th century, fur trade areas, the reduction of Indian reservations, the growth of winter wheat as a crop, and the extent of croplands and resource extraction on the plains today. (1986). 

Deep South

National Geographic Maps
Map Cabinet 16, First Floor East
National Geographic

Front: 1:2,566,000 scale map of the southeast United States (Albers Equal Area Projection) showing large cities, major roads, National Parks, Indian reservations, historical site locations, and descriptive text for areas of interest. Back: Several maps detailing history of the southern United States, from the early indigenous peoples, to control by the Spanish Empire, division and control by France, Spain and England, extent of cotton plantations in the 19th century, and present agricultural and cultural extents. (1983).

Atlantic Gateways

International & World Maps, National Geographic Maps
Map Cabinet 16, First Floor East
National Geographic

Front: 1:1,318,000 scale map of the northeast U.S. and the southeast provinces of Canada (Albers Equal Area Projection) showing large cities, major roads, the major waterways across the Great Lakes, Indian reservations, National Parks, historical battle sites, and descriptive text for areas of interest. Back: Several maps detailing American expansion and development of the Atlantic Coast, including: Map of fur trade in the 17th century and conflicts with Native groups; Map of early colonial settlement in 1770; Map of immigrant communities in the 1790's with immigration statistics, and Indian reservations; Map of movement corridors from the coastal states to the interior; Map of railroad and industrial expansion; Map of urban corridors in the northeast. (1983). 

Close-Up Canada Ontario

International & World Maps, National Geographic Maps
Map Cabinet 16, First Floor East
National Geographic

Front: 1:3,000,000 scale map of the Canadian province of Ontario (Lambert Projection) showing large cities, major roads, Indian reservations, National and Provincial Parks, wildlife refuges, recreational areas, the Great Lakes and Hudson Bay (with Bathymetry). Back: 1:1,550,000 scale map of southern Ontario (Lambert Projection) showing large cities, major roads, Indian reservations, recreational areas, provincial parks, the Great Lakes and border with the U.S.; descriptive texts for the province. (1978).