Web Forms
Fill out this form to share with your colleagues outlining what you gained from your professional development experience within 14 working days from return. Reports should include valuable takeaways, important lessons learned, and key highlights that may benefit others interested in the same topic.
As money becomes available, the FAU Libraries support professional development activities (both virtual and in-person) for interested faculty and staff. Examples of professional development can include online courses, conference travel, and webinars to improve job skills and enhance work performance.
Flex work application for FAU Libraries Staff
The ITS Employee OnBoarding form collects staff's ITS needs such as equipment, software and more.
Safety Training for FAU Libraries staff (Only).
The Employee of the Year Award recognizes those employees who consistently exhibit superior job performance and high levels of quality service. Nominations may be made by co-workers, students, alumni, or other persons who come in contact with FAU Libraries employees.
The Professional Development Award seeks to recognize the efforts of FAU Libraries staff members toward the improvement of both job related and other skills through continuing education, training, and professional activities.
The Systems Department is pleased to assist you with property removal requests!
*Please note that a minimum of 5 business days notice is required when requesting property removal. The item(s) you are requesting to be removed must remain in the location you enter on the form. Hector Moyet will contact you when he is notified of the pick up date for the item(s) by FAU Property.
The library recognizes that student assistants are very important in assuring an efficient operation and in making the library a pleasant place to work. To name a "Student Assistant of the Year" is a way to honor and reward outstanding student assistants in the Library. The award is intended to recognize a student employee who displays exemplary performance in areas of his/her employment: positive attitude, judgment in a particular situation, high level of service to patrons, etc.
Please use this form when a patron situation rises to the level of an “incident.” An incident could be one of the following :
- A patron’s health or safety is threatened.
- Harassment of a patron or a staff member.
- Emergency services or Police are called to the building.
- An urgent situation which requires that Library administration be notified.