Text Alerts

FAU Libraries Access Services Text Alerts Services

Text Alerting Services

Always late returning books?

Signup for a text alerting service from your library account.  Get a text for:

  • Book Holds

  • Overdue Books

  • Upcoming book due dates

Why Use the Text Alert Service?

While you are already receiving email notifications to your FAU email address, you may not check your emails right away or the emails may end up in your Junk folder.

Text alerts will be an added reminder to help you return materials on time.

Opt in to have certain FAU Library notices sent to you via text. Log in to your account through the Library website, add your mobile number, and select which alerts you’d like to receive. Try all 3 alerts!

Courtesy Reminder Alert

You can receive an alert to let you know that your FAU Library items are due back in 5 days. This gives you enough time to renew them in person, over the phone, or through the Library website.

Overdue Alert

You can receive an alert that lets you know if an item checked out to you is 1 day overdue.

Request Alert

You can receive an alert that a FAU Library item you have placed a Hold/Recall request for has arrived and is being held at the Library Services counter for the next 7 days. This does not apply to Interlibrary Loans or UBorrows materials.

How do I sign up?

Go to View/Renew Books link on the Library's hompage

  • Enter the 2197600 number on your FAU ID card and PIN. The PIN will be your 4 digit month and day of birth (mmdd).
  • Then select “My Account”
    my account
  • Then select “Set Alerts” under “Settings”
    set alerts
  • Enter your cell number, select your provider from the drop-down arrow and click on which alerts you want to receive.
  • Click on ‘Save’ and you should start receiving the Text Alerts!
  • Opt out by reversing the above process and unchecking the text alerts.  You will continue to receive email notification and letters from the library.

Last modified at 09/28/2018 - 16:31 PM