Services for Students with Disabilities

Physical Accessibility

Safe and accessible parking is provided near the library entrance with level walkways and gradually sloping ramps leading to the front doors. A mechanically operated entrance/exit door is available for access by those with physical disabilities. Within the building, handrails are provided on stairways, restrooms are designed for ready access, and lower mirrors and drinking fountains are available for wheelchair users. Braille floor numbers are mounted next to floor selection buttons in elevators.
Assistive Technology Workstations in Lobby Area
The S.E. Wimberly Library has four assistive technology workstations available for use by persons with disabilities located in the lobby near the Research and Instructional Department. The equipment, which has ADA compliant software, is set up on study carrels with extra high tabletops to accommodate persons in wheelchairs. Adaptive technology software available on both these assistive technology workstations computers includes:


  • Read and Write - Read & Write for Mac and PC integrates with familiar applications (i.e. Microsoft Word, Apple Pages, Safari, and Adobe Reader) giving access to features for reading, writing, studying, and research support from within programs used every day.


  • Fusion - An accessibility tool for individuals with any level of vision impairment. Fusion provides the best of both worlds – ZoomText®, with its screen magnification and visual enhancements for screen viewing ease, coupled with the power and speed of JAWS® for screen reading functionality.


PCs and MACs have the following hardware:

  • Keys-U-Can See Keyboard - A USB keyboard that has large print keys that are easy to see, even in low light, and includes internet, multimedia, and energy-saver hotkeys. 
  • Ablenet Large Mouse/TrackBall - A USB mouse that includes a large 3-in / 7.62-cm trackball. The sturdy base of BIGtrack 2.0 allows the user to easily move and position the mouse cursor on the computer screen while using fine or gross motor movements of the hand, arm, or foot. Once the mouse cursor is positioned, two oversized buttons are available for left and right-clicking.


Accessible Group Study Room - (ADA Group Study Room - LY 251)

This room is available to students who have spoken to their coordinator and are registered with Student Accessibility Services (SAS).  Contact your coordinator and they will contact the library usually within 24 hours the request for use of the study room. Contact SAS.  Available software includes 1) Fusion, and 2) Read&Write.  Available equipment includes 1) High contrast keyboard, 2) Adaptable lighting, and 3) Adjustable desk.  This room is charged out for 2 hours, renewable once.  Subsequent renewals may be granted if no one is waiting for the room.  A valid OWL Card/Library Card is required for checkout.  Study room keys are not allowed outside the library and staff will not hold keys.


Other Special Services

People are encouraged to ask for basic library instruction at the Research and Instructional Office. If the Research and Instructional Office is not staffed, other library public service staff members will provide reference assistance to the best of their ability.

FAU students, faculty, and staff, as well as PBSC South Campus students, who require more in-depth instruction in the use of the library and its services, may schedule by appointment a library consultation.

The staff of Access Services (Circulation/Reserve/Current Periodicals & Microforms) will assist students with disabilities by retrieving materials and photocopying materials as needed. Requests for assistance will be handled by staff within 15 - 30 minutes after a request has been submitted. However, if staffing at the desk is limited or the staff cannot assist the student at the time of a request, the student and the staff will mutually agree upon a time shortly afterward when the student may best be assisted. Please note that staff will be best able to provide assistance 8am to 5pm, Monday through Friday.

Special Collections is located on the second floor, east wing.  The hours are Monday to Thursday 1-4 pm or by appointment.   All collections are stored in closed stacks; materials are paged for use in the Special Collections reading area.  Staff will assist users with disabilities as required and will provide copies of materials should a disabled user wish to read at an assistive device.  Unaffiliated users will be asked to reimburse the costs of photocopying or scanning.

All FAU students with disabilities are encouraged to register with the Student Accessibility Services. Telephone: (561) 297-3880, Monday - Friday, 8am-5pm.

Questions regarding public service policies should be directed to Access Services.

Last modified at 09/14/2023 - 13:18 PM