Medical Library Resources

What: Guide created by the FAU Libraries' Scholarly Communication Services to help choose a journal or publisher and identify predatory/deceptive publishers. 

Where:  Click here to access the Scholarly Publishing Guide

Features: Journal directories, Disciplinary indexes, Journal selection services, Open Access, Journal/ Research Impact, Predatory Publishers, Scholarly Publishing, Researcher Profile & Identifier Management

What: SpringerLink provides access to scholarly journals in business, law, medicine, humanities, science, and social science disciplines. Also, includes some e-books published by Springer.

Where: Access via browser. 

What: Guide offering tools, resources, exam prep, and publishing information for clerkship students. 

Where: Click here to access the clerkship guide.

Features: UpToDate information, AccessMedicine & AccessPediatric Exam Prep, Tools, publishing support, core books, and a help page. 

What: Online suggestion form for medical library purchases. 

Where: Access via browser.

What: This guide provides an overview of both Systematic & Scoping Reviews, provides resources of conducting the Review, as well as provide resources for searching the literature to meet search strategy standards. 


Where: Click HERE to access the Systematic & Scoping Review Guide. 

What: Thieme MedOne Education is a medical education and research resource providing textbooks, images, and media. 

Where: Access via browser. 


  • Books, images

What: Trip is a clinical search engine designed to allow users to quickly and easily find and use high-quality research evidence to support their practice and/or care.

Where: Access via browser. 


  • Books, cases, clinical trials, diagnostic tests, EBM, guidelines, images, journals, multimedia, patient education, PICO
  • Email alerts: for searches. 

What: Tutorial for using OpenAthens to connect to resources off-campus. 

Where: Click here for the Off Campus Access Tutorial (print)

What: Video tutorials to help users: 

  • Search for and connect to an FAU database (example used: ClinicalKey)
  • Search google and validate within an article using OpenAthens. 

Where: Click here for FAU Libraries Created Video Tutorials 

For education purposes only, UptoDate access is limited to College of Medicine students, nursing students, and a designated subset of College of Medicine clinical faculty. Medical residents should access UptoDate via the healthcare systems where they engage in clinical training. Unfortunately, access to affiliate faculty  and faculty outside of the designated subset cannot be extended at this time due to licensing restraints.


What: UpToDate is a clinical decision support tool providing evidence based point of care topics & recommendations based on peer-reviewed medical literature. UpToDates is used as an education tool by core faculty, residents, and students at FAU. 

Where: Access through browser or app.



  • Drug information, calculators, Lexicomp drug interactions.
  • Patient education: available in Arabic, English, Spanish. 


Because of vendor licenses and budget, the COM Library cannot extend UpToDate access to Clinical Affiliates at this time but can offer the following resources via alternative Library resources: 

  • Drug Information: AccessMedine, AccessPediatrics, ClinicalKey
  • Calculators: ClinicalKey, JAMAevidence, 
  • Drug Interactions/information: AccessMedicine, AccessPediatrics, ClinicalKey, 
  • Patient Education: AccessMedicine, AccessPediatrics, ClinicalKey